mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Museum Fernando Pizzamiglio - The Tosa

present more than 400 objects from the early nineteenth early twentieth century

Museum Fernando Pizzamiglio - The Tosa
What does it mean for the farm La Tosa indulge in a wine museum, to date the only one on this issue throughout the Emilia-Romagna?
For this family, its meaning is deep and cross, as linking the pleasure of a great passion to the need to preserve the memory of a vanished world to spread awareness.
Forte is also the sign of great gratitude to a key figure, one who is titrated museum, Fernando Pizzamiglio, father of the current followers of this tradition Augusta, Ferruccio and Stefano.
In 1988 started the collection of objects, now present in over four hundred, almost all used in the area of Val Nure, dating back to a period between the early nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
Are collected in a large room, according to a path that follows all the stages of production of grapes and wine: from the objects related to the cultivation of the vineyards to the equipment related to the winemaking, crushers, presses, barrels, filters, pumps, bottling and capping machines ; up to '' corner cooper ", with all the tools for the construction of wooden barrels, and the first tools for the analysis of wine, all accompanied by catalogs of old wine-making equipment and ancient documents, prints and cries.
Highlights of the museum are a castellata, particularly driven barrel used to spray treatments of the screws and distribute fertilizers to the ground, a big press Mabille on the bandwagon of the mid-nineteenth century, a barrel Vin Santo Piacenza in the same period and especially a filter sacks cabinet unique.
The museum includes the installation of video and sound to complete this piece of history Piacenza.
Museum Fernando Pizzamiglio - The Tosa: a Past alive and full of meaning, that help us to understand and live better the Present.
Currently, the museum is open by prior arrangement by telephone.

  • chiusura settimanale: visita su prenotazione
  • tel per info 0523.870727
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