visit to Pontedell'Olio

The oldest records date back to the ninth century with the primitive name Albarola Bridge, was later transformed into a place of passage since Pontedell'Olio merchants Liguria who steps down from the Apennines to the plains for the oil trade.
The castle from the thirteenth century was the scene of fighting between the Guelphs and Ghibellines and in 1414 Bernardo Anguissola bought it from Emperor Sigismund.
In the sixteenth century, after the passage of the soldiers of Count Pier Maria Scotti, said Buso, a kind of bandit of the time, it passed to Salvatico who then sold it to the Anguissola of Altoe in 1878.
Another castle of important relief was to Riva, location two kilometers upstream; Anguissola was in 1323 and Ottavio Farnese in 1546 which assigned it to his captain Ottavio Vitelli.
Restored in 1884 by the Roman nobleman Emanuele Ruspoli, the castle is all built with stones of the Nure and has rectangular structures with, at the top, unequal towers to shape or size.
Pontedell'Olio also houses the beautiful Palazzo San Bono where, in 1819, he resided for some time Caroline of Brunswick, the Queen of England.
interesting stop in Val Nure
This whole area was sparsely populated and its inhabitants were invested with the task of maintaining such so-called "pedancole", the footbridges over the river Nure ....
with Maria Grazia Dodici, municipal employee and excellent guide
stage to the industrial complex of the late nineteenth century the furnaces Cementirossi, which is located right next to the Municipal Palace, then the old railway bridge and Villa San Bono ...