mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

visit Farini d'Olmo

Located near the border with Liguria, the territory was crossing point since Roman times, and therefore in the Middle Ages was due to power struggles among the most powerful families such as the Pallavicino, the Arcelli, the Scotti, Visconti, Anguissola and Caracciolo; the latter were to keep the rule from 1400 to 1700.

The municipality was formed in 1867. The settlement was developing on the left bank of the Nure, but in recent years the country has been extended across the river.
For a predominantly agricultural economy was accompanied, in recent decades, income from the residential tourism, particularly lively in the summer and some relief even in winter thanks to the ski resorts of Mareto and Groppallo.
This last fraction, located at 950 meters high, it is also a destination for excursions with a church of the fifteenth century, rebuilt ten years ago, that soars over a thousand meters on a rocky outcrop.

To visit Farini d'Olmo offers the very recent construction of City Hall and the Church of St. Joseph; this has within the Via Crucis painted by Piacenza Luciano Ricchetti.

Particularly interesting itineraries departing from Groppallo, for Monte Chiappa, 1274 meters, Mount Santa Franca, 1322 meters, and Boccolo Noce to Mount Menegosa, 1366 meters, and for Monte Lama, 1355 meters, in a succession of wonderful mountain scenery with vast pastures, grasslands and forests.
From Mareto to Monte Aserei, 1432 meters, with expanses surrounded by beech and hazel; others to Cogno San Bassano, the pine forest of the chapel, to Pradovera, 943 meters and Mount Osero, 1031 meters, which from the west overlooking the Val Perino.

  • Farini d'Olmo
    visit Farini d'Olmo
    It is a common gathering places itself and fractions of particular environmental and landscape. Not excels for historic buildings and architecture, but from its territory a really nice...
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