mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Routes in Val Nure

Bordering borders with Parma Apennines and traveled by river Arda, Val d'Arda is the valley of the province of Piacenza. Val d'Arda converge minor valleys of Riglio, Vezzeno, the Chero, Chiavenna, dell'Ongina and part Stirone.
The river Arda was born in about 1300 m altitude, from north-western slopes of Mount Lama, in the municipality of Morfasso.
Its waters flow for a good stretch to reach, after about 15 km, to an artificial barrier represented by the dam known as Lake Mignano, a body of water of about 2 square kilometers, at an altitude of 341 m, from dual function of reservoir water and basin hydroelectric purposes. The river Arda then bathes the territory of Lugagnano Val d'Arda and Castell'Arquato, to go down to the plains where it crosses the city of Fiorenzuola d'Arda and Cortemaggiore.
The other towns in the Val d'Arda are Alseno, Polesine, San Pietro in Cerro, Vernasca, Villanova sull'Arda.
  • Bettola

    Visit in Bettola in Val Nure

    Roberto Rossi with Peter Mazzari

    origins arising from perils of religious character and that is the apparition of the Virgin Mary (called "Oak") to shepherds of the place...
  • Farini d'Olmo

    visit Farini d'Olmo

    Located near the border with Liguria, the territory was crossing point since Roman times, and therefore in the Middle Ages was due to power struggles among the most powerful families such as the Pallavicino, the Arcellis, the Scotti, Visconti, Anguissola and Caracciolo; they were the latter to keep the rule from 1400 to 1700 ...
  • Ferriere

    visit to Ferriere

    Ferriere is the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of 180 sq km. And tells an ancient story and eventful ...
  • Podenzano

    visit to Podenzano

    The history of oil Piacenza, apart from the case of the century and Montechino Veleia, begins in this area, then later we'll talk about Cortemaggiore ...
  • Pontedell'Olio

    visit to Pontedell'Olio

    Pontedell'Olio hosts the beautiful Palazzo San Bono where, in 1819, he resided for some time Caroline of Brunswick, the Queen of England...
  • Pontenure

    visit to Pontenure

    Seems to have formed a free commune in the seventeenth century when the rural municipalities and the citizens, derived from the ancient Roman municipality, asserted their autonomy ...
  • san Giorgio Piacentino

    Visit Piacenza - San Giorgio Piacentino

    Located on the road that leads to Carpaneto, has origins that date back to the year one thousand. Suffered at that destruction caused by fighting between nobles and commoners, and was the scene of battles ...
  • Vigolzone

    visit to Vigolzone

    In the village center of Vigolzone stands the beautiful castle of 1300, with a rectangular base with tower 40 meters high, built by Bernardo Anguissola and built on the ruins of the fortress destroyed by King Enzo in 1242 ...
  • Groppallo

    Visit to Groppallo

    It is located in the Val Nure Piacenza Apennines, Groppallo is popular summer resort, especially by emigrants from France back to the homeland. The town developed on the slopes of Monte Castellaro, important relief for having housed in a medieval fortress. Little has been handed down from written sources on medieval castle, which was to occupy for the entire flat top of the cliff, extended approximately a half acre. It seems that in 1186 the fort was owned by the Bishop of Piacenza and that these are reserved the right to nominate the castle.
  • Museum Fernando Pizzamiglio - The Tosa
    present more than 400 objects from the early nineteenth early twentieth century
    Family Pizzamiglio meaning that covers this museum is deep and cross-linking as the pleasure of a great passion, the need to preserve the memory of a vanished world ...
  • Farini d'Olmo
    visit Farini d'Olmo
    It is a common gathering places itself and fractions of particular environmental and landscape. Not excels for historic buildings and architecture, but from its territory a really nice...
  • Ferriere
    visit to Ferriere in Nure
    It is'the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of 180 sq km. In' High Nure and includes the eastern slope of the Val d'Aveto with the dam and hydroelectric power plant of Woods ...
  • Podenzano
    visit to Podenzano
    in recent decades, more because of its favorable location, Podenzano, suffers a real surge, thanks to a strong industrialization that has no equal in the whole territory of Piacenza ..
  • Ponte dell'Olio - Itineraries in the Nure (Part One)
    interesting stop in Val Nure
    This whole area was sparsely populated and its inhabitants were invested with the task of maintaining such so-called "pedancole", the footbridges over the river Nure ....
  • Pontedell'Olio - Itineraries in the Nure (second before)
    with Maria Grazia Dodici, municipal employee and excellent guide
    stage to the industrial complex of the late nineteenth century the furnaces Cementirossi, which is located right next to the Municipal Palace, then the old railway bridge and Villa San Bono ...
  • Pontenure
    visit to Pontenure in Val Nure
    a few kilometers rises Paderna, the smallest of villages but also the most interesting, dominated by a massive medieval building, typical castle of plain ...
  • San Giorgio Piacentino
    visit to San Giorgio Piacentino
    visiting the beautiful Rocca, medieval style building surrounded by a beautiful fenced park, to continue with the castle, another very interesting building, built, apparently, towards the end of 12...
  • Vigolzone
    visit to Vigolzone in Nure
    in stark contrast to its modern parish church of San Mario, built in 1966 by the will of the prelate Mario Nasalli Rocca, elliptical supported ..
  • Grazzano Visconti - a village "almost" old
    is among the most coveted stages of Piacenza area
    Dictionaries recite the word art: human activity based on the study on the technique and experience. From this arise cultural products that are the subject ...
  • Routes in Bettola - with Roberto Rossi
    Ebbio and towards the Passo del Cerro
    The territory of Bettola is among the largest in the province of Piacenza and is amongst the largest municipalities on the peninsula; let's find out in the company of Peter Mazzari, former commissi...
  • Routes in Bettola (2) - with Roberto Rossi
    in Rigolo, direction Prato Barbieri
    also called the "door of Nure", as it is located at the point where the valley narrows, where the hills begin to replace the mountains, Bettola is among the largest centers of Piacenza ...
  • Routes in Bettola - taken from Bell'Italia
    No. 213 of January 2004, updated 12.12.2009
    in Italy there are villages that no longer appear on the maps because there is no road never arrived. They are hidden in the folds of the mountains. Have endured for years the exodus of their inhab...
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