domenica 2 febbraio 2025
  • » Contacts


CATEGORIA-61-1-01.jpg and are available to organizations, associations and individuals who wish to publish information related to the area of Piacenza (what to visit, suggested itineraries, food and recipes, characters and curiosity, events and appointments, and more), and that can be sent via email to

The same will be viewed by the editors and published (if required also with the name of the person sending the news).
Active cooperation is in favor of the Piacenza area, for its promotion and enhancement, an area that deserves to be visited, known, lived for milleeppiù resources that guards, to an extraordinary environment still largely undiscovered, for lottima kitchen ancient traditions, for its simple and friendly people, hospitable and hard-working.

They can also be sent photographs and documents with the words "you authorize your sites and"
to request updates and data entry please contact:
Roberto Rossi cell. 349.8569627
for general information and collaborations write to:

for Administration
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