Along the Po Piacentino

The river Po tells the story of Piacenza and municipalities that are followed along its course, from Caorso to Monticelli in Castelvetro Piacentino, which marks the border between Emilia Romagna and Lombardy, between the provincial territories of Piacenza and Cremona.
Along this evocative you can feel the atmosphere of the great river views that provoke strong emotions, leaving your mind free to wander, to try to imagine when this waterway was once an artery of communication vital to the economy of nations, for the culture of a people.
A visit to these places is to understand the most recondi implications of the recent past, where our grandparents imbracciavano sickles to work with the sheer force of arms a land hostile to many places where our ancestors faced its waters and on board small boats to return with a catch that was dinner for the whole family.
Along the Po lie still many of these ancient images, protected over time by an unfailing light rarefied, in the warm months in the heat that surrounds the great river, in the cold months for the mist that penetrates the bones and drawing views of a suggestion unparalleled.
beautiful Rocca now the Town Hall
Is reached along the ancient Via Postojna, poplar plantations along the Po, which give way to "John" also called the "cathedral Atomic" and that is the ...
dialect "Cà Ursa" Casa dell'Orsa
conflicting arguments about its origins, as some say, Orsa, sister of Bishop Piacenza Podone, with his sister Imelda, nell'819, he founded the Church of the equipping of 576 perches of land
along the right bank of the River Po
the visit is to admire the beautiful Rocca and the Basilica, built in the second half of 1400 by Msgr. Carlo Pallavicino, lord of the place and the Bishop of Lodi ...
below the monastery of Nonantola from 600 to the ninth century
the lordship of Monticelli was held by the Visconti and the Sforza and the '400 by Rolando Pallavicino that with "the Magnificent" saw expand its borders from the Apennines mountains to the Po; Fin...
a territory that borders the provinces of Cremona and Parma
is the border of the province of Piacenza, traced by the river Po flowing and also defines the extremes of the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy ...