mercoledì 12 marzo 2025


  • at La Tosa in Vigolzone
    For us it means meeting a great passion, preserve the memory of a vanished world and increase knowledge, draw on past information, experiences and insights useful for the present...
  • from the farm inn Spettine a route between castles and forests
    from the farm inn Spettine, date, position, you can not give in to a beautiful hike in the green scenarios Piacenza among the most evocative of the province ...
  • with visit to Grazzano Visconti
    Agriturismo La Tosa is the best chance to explore the vineyards in this area, including the Val Nure and Trebbia, are the source of the excellent wine Piacenza ...
  • present more than 400 objects from the early nineteenth early twentieth century
    Family Pizzamiglio meaning that covers this museum is deep and cross-linking as the pleasure of a great passion, the need to preserve the memory of a vanished world ...
  • AMA from the farm a ring of about 60 km for a full day
    an interesting journey along roads very pleasant to go, to visit one of the most beautiful castles in Piacenza and places of particular historical art ...
  • from the farm La Favorita
    two different solutions, a journey of about an hour to walk, a second path instead motorized, along about 70 km to touch castles and ruins of the most interesting of the province of Piacenza ...
  • from the farm Chiulano superpanoramic a ring of about 40 km
    to go clockwise, you go down to the Trebbia and climb in Val Nure, among the most beautiful views of the entire territory of Piacenza, with the first leg at Castellaro, ancient sanctuary and place ...
  • good local food specialties
    A few minutes from the center of Vigolzone, reached by climbing on the right edge of the town. Fits in an environment of strong suggestion, where the Nure goes to lap the foothills of Trebbia...
  • visit to Vigolzone in Nure
    in stark contrast to its modern parish church of San Mario, built in 1966 by the will of the prelate Mario Nasalli Rocca, elliptical supported ..
  • A Grazzano Visconti June 24, 2017
    Starry night to spend time in the company ...
  • A Vigolzone between the third and fourth week of July
    The tortelli Festival is one of the largest and most famous festivals ...
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