mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Routes in Val Trebbia

It is the valley more important in terms of geographical and historical, mail link between Liguria and the Po Valley.
The river Trebbia born in Liguria from Mount Lavagnola (1,118 m.), About thirty kilometers. from Genova.
Along its 110 km. extends one of the most beautiful valleys of the Apennines.

For the purity of its waters Trebbia the form of beaches crowded with swimmers and attracts paddlers from all over Europe.
Several were the struggles over the centuries to open gates in the Ligurian Sea, until the count-bishop recognized the temporal jurisdiction in Piacenza.

From the source to the mouth of the Trebbia receives numerous tributaries, the most important is the Aveto; others are the Boreca, the Brugneto, the Cassingheno, the Bobbio, the Dorba and Perino.

The river can be traced from Piacenza with State Road 45, or with the provincial Piacenza - Gossolengo - Tuna - Rivalta - Statto, and also with the Caledon - St. Nicholas - Gragnano - Rivalta along the left bank.

Among the various remnants of beautiful castles, well preserved, the best known of the valley is the castle of Rivalta, built on the banks of the river Trebbia.
Also worth visiting the castle of Statto, opposite the popular town of Rivergaro, the Rocca of Montechiaro and the castle of Ancarano.

In the direction of Bobbio and Travo, interesting Torre of Anguissola and the Roccia Perduca, scalandola, also admires the Pietra Parcellara.
A Bobbio, ancient village artistic and monumental, stand the Monastery of St. Colombano, the famous Ponte Gobbo and the Church of San Pietro.
The imperial fiefs, castles Alta Val Trebbia belonged to the Malaspina, the Fieschi and, after the '500, the Doria.
Origin Malaspina Castle was well Bobbio that the '400 was one of the centers of power of the Lombard Dal Verme.

A Rivalta, the rule of the Landi dates back to the Middle Ages, while Montechiaro, is remembered as the eyrie of Anguissola and hospitality for the plate now preserved in the Museum of Piacenza.
Along the way so-called Bagnolo, which connects the Trebbia height of Rivergaro with Nure at Ponte dell'Olio, you can admire splendid past of rolling hills that scavallano and coming down to the city of Piacenza that lies in the background .

The forts in Trebbia were eighty; many are just ruins, others have been converted into residences.
Finally, some have been turned into farms, a reality, that of the agribusiness production in Piacenza, constantly growing and now accounts for the variety and quality of its products, the pride of the local economy.

Trebbia is a succession of landscapes of great beauty, this is stage of thousands of visitors and travelers who will find an ideal place to find serenity and peace elsewhere lost.
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