lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

Routes in Val Luretta

Trebbia extends along the namesake river waters largely bathing, and leads in Liguria. In addition to the beautiful old town of Bobbio Trebbia offers visitors many small towns rich in castles, monasteries and beautiful landscapes. Important side valley is Val Luretta absolutely be discovered for its characteristic views and its lovely natural environments. With "Routes Piacentini" we are back in the green valley of Luretta, a stream that flows down from the slopes of Mount Serenda and after a short course enters Tidone. In the previous appointment had followed a path that was to know that area on the town of Monteventano, Montecanino and Pomaro. My guide today, as then, is the commissioner of the City of Piozzano Augustine Bongiorni. We planned the itinerary today with Franco Tagliaferri, municipal employee and expert on the history and characteristics of this area. Today we will thus complete the visit to the municipality of Piozzano, pushing us to the border with the town of Travo, where it dominates the Stone plot. Then through Groppo Arcellis Poviago and head back to the capital and we finish the route in Bosco's Pope. Lying between medium and high hill, this area enjoys a favorable climate and an environment still intact. Agriculture is supporting the economy with cereal crop, production of wines and cheeses, raising cattle and horses. Piozzano was owned by Count of Lomello and then the Paveri. Near the Luretta you can appreciate the ancient complex of Canova, with two low corner towers and a double row of arcades in the courtyard. The story here tells of a land scene of many wars, as located on the border with the province of Pavia, and then pro-imperial Ghibellines, in the fight against Piacenza. There are many testimonies of the strategic importance of this center and the little valley. Emerge fortifications Monteventano, was destroyed in an attack and later rebuilt and recovered well, while Montecanino, also destroyed in the twelfth century, there are only a few remnants. In this area there are two "Farms of excellence of the province of Piacenza": The Mulberry, already known and affirmed, and the Agronauta, emerging tourist accommodation and catering, circuit Educational Farms, whose run is Stefano Zucconi. Other castles still residences are those of Montebello and Bosanasco, while for those of Lardara, Pavarano, Torre Rizzi, of Vei remain only a few
  • Visit to Piozzano
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  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 2
    second path
    With "Routes Piacentini" we are back in the green valley of Luretta, a stream that flows down from the slopes of Mount Serenda ...
  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 1
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano at the edge of Val Luretta, a small green patch of land ...
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