venerdì 18 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo Le Rondini

good food genuine among chickens, rabbits, ducks and elegant peacocks

Agriturismo Le Rondini
Surrounded by the hills of Piacenza Agriturismo Le Rondini is managed by the family Anselmi who, for 20 years, lives with the campaign cultivating biological methodologies land adjacent to the farm.
Located in the small village of Lodino, surrounded by greenery between the Trebbia and Val Tidone, and consists of a seventeenth-century court of what was once a monastery. The many castles in the neighboring town of Rivalta, Momeliano, Lisignano, Agazzano, Statto, Rezzanello remember how these areas were appreciated since ancient times and still today are an important tourist attraction for its historical and artistic beauties that come together in a rich and wild nature.
The farm at Le Rondini hosts many animals, including cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks and elegant peacocks.
A tour to discover the farm to get to know all these animals friends of children, can not certainly miss, and for that Adele and Claudia will be happy to accompany you. And recently arrived two nice donkeys !!
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