mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Corte del Gallo

beautifully nestled in the hills between the Trebbia and Nure

Agriturismo Corte del Gallo
Down the road of Bagnolo, along one of the most beautiful and scenic routes of the province of Piacenza, which leads to Rivergaro Ponte dell'Olio, arrived in loc. Bassano, a small road turns right to reach the Agriturismo Corte del Gallo.
Among the most local historians of Excellence of the province of Piacenza, Corte del Gallo offers, in a hilly extraordinary welcome and friendly hospitality which is one of the strengths of this place, together with a kitchen strictly Piacenza quality and genuineness.
Are served about 150 people, of which about 50 outside on a terrace overlooking the court where there are the beautiful and rustic stone houses that are the perfect retreat to enjoy a small village where king serenity and stillness.
It has recently been inaugurated Loves Riding Horses orgnanizza that, throughout the year, courses and classes, but also excursions to experience riding the emotions and feelings that few places can offer.
Corte del Gallo is an oasis of peace, flavors, leisure and entertainment, surrounded by nature, in the beauties of the beautiful Trebbia!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: loc. Bassano
  • Località: Rivergaro Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523 958630
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