mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Il Gelso

authentic cuisine and friendly hospitality

Agriturismo Il Gelso
Adjacent to the church of San Giovanni Evangelista and the remains of the ancient castle, Farmhouse Il Gelso is among the most well-known landmarks for tasting the typical cuisine of Piacenza, which preserves the ancient traditions and its original recipes.
The company has vineyards for the production of red and white and a breeding of farmyard animals, for good food with meat chicken, duck, goose.
On booking are served course details and laborious in their preparation, such as tripe, fried pork, polenta and salt cod and other specialties.
Halfway between the church and the beautiful rustic structure that welcomes the Farmhouse
Il Gelso, stands a stone building, totally renovated, to welcome guests and offer them a relaxing stay, between the comfort of the rooms have private bathroom and expertly made hospitable and very pleasant, for days in between nature and good food, in the green of the nice Val Luretta.
  • chiusura settimanale: sempre aperto su prenotazione
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: loc. Montecanino
  • Località: Piozzano Val Luretta
  • tel 0523.970129
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