mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Torre Maestri

charm of a tradition of Piacenza

Agriturismo Torre Maestri
The original structure completely restored, keeps intact its history and merges with the refined design and sophisticated, but discreet and balanced, its interior furnishings.
The environment with attention to detail, the refined cuisine of the restaurant, the charm of a traditional Piacenza remained intact with the passage of time, still very present in its aromas and flavors, make Torre Maestri an exclusive, suitable for business dinners and events , conferences, photo shoots, lunch buffet, Sunday brunch, birthday parties, baptisms.
The dining rooms can hold up to 85 people. E 'can start with a rich aperitif islands served in the garden, and then continue inside with table service.
Cozy family restaurant where you can taste the dishes of the regional tradition, cooked using raw materials produced on the farm or from the farms in the area.
Farmhouse Torre Maestri is for those who love the authentic cuisine, to taste refined dishes prepared with the exclusive use of natural ingredients, fresh, quality, expertly processed and matched to dishes that highlight the unique aromas and flavors of a culinary tradition, the Piacenza, widely recognized and appreciated by all.
Farm Torre Maestri is a place where nature of Trebbia, which here has its roots, is a perfect synthesis in the dense vegetation that surrounds it, within which is located in the quiet, almost discreetly, as he did not want that corner dent serenity and sweetness that landscaping is beautiful setting for an architecture artistic traits.
The park with its paths, which run all around the main building, are in total available to guests, so they can enjoy complete freedom of these spaces for relaxing, reading or watching a nature that dominates and that enchants, as it was a dream.
A dream called Torre Maestri, two steps from the city, an inch from the sky ...
  • chiusura settimanale: su prenotazione e tutti i week end
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Località Torrone, 15
  • Località: Gossolengo Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523.778692 335.5250598 349.8218057
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