mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Casa Rosa

typical specialties of traditional Piacenza

Agriturismo Casa Rosa
The farm Casa Rosa is located only one kilometer from the center of Carpaneto Piacentino, along the road leading to Rezzano and Veleia Romana.
The house is a rustic rural building that stands in the middle of the Val Chero.
The run is Mrs. Luisella, engaged in the preparation of the dishes that follow the typical specialties of Piacenza tradition.
The large hall, capable of about 90 people, has a fireplace that makes the days of the cold season particularly pleasant and welcoming.
Another room, more intimate, accommodates up to 30 people, ideal for groups of friends or at small ceremonies, baptisms, birthdays, as well as to business lunches and dinners.
Some are themed evenings with live music played by the most famous musical groups from Piacenza.
The farm consists in part to growing vegetables and fruit, another is used to the breeding of farm animals, including capons, turkeys, chickens.
Another part of the land is devoted to green area, for walking and relaxing in the green of nature.
It also has a football field and play area for children.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Travazzano
  • Località: Carpaneto Piacentino Val Chero
  • tel 0523.852795 cell. 347.7504920
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