mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Boschi Celati

adjacent to the flood plain of the River Po

Agriturismo Boschi Celati
A short distance from the flood plain of the Po, surrounded by woods and nestled in the heart of the Po Valley, the Agriturismo Boschi Celati is the perfect place to organize ceremonies and receptions, children's parties and banquets of relaxation and pleasure.
The beauty and serenity of the landscape, the generosity of a lush nature a few miles from the city, the welcome and helpfulness of the owners make Boschi Celati an ideal place to celebrate events all year.
We organize Weddings, Baptisms, Communions, banquets, receptions, snacks, Children's Parties, Birthdays, who will find the perfect location thanks to the open space in the court and the type of structure.
Lunch and dinner are served every day except Sunday evenings and Mondays that are closed weekly.
The new comfortable rooms housed within the grounds adjacent structure offer a relaxing stay, to match the good food to a full rest in peace !!!
Ideal for the most varied requirements, work and holiday, for couples and families with children, the rooms are comfortable, pleasantly furnished and equipped with all the facilities to make the guest feel like home.
Breakfast is included in the room, while among the services have been provided for wheelchair access, air conditioning, TV, hairdryer.
The Agriturismo Boschi Celati  has private parking, WiFi, garden and pets are welcome.
Possibility of half board or full board. It 'been recently opened, adjacent to the structure, the bike path that runs along the river Po, for lovers of the pedals and other leisure activities.
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