mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Paderna

Company Venatoria Rezzanello

Agriturismo Paderna
The Piacenza is notoriously land of good food and good drink. Its natural vocation for wine is witnessed by all those vineyards that draw an area of particular charm, as well as aiding perfumes that are dispersed in making these unique valleys.
Then there is the story told in the many castles and churches, in different routes, along roads and trails that trace beautiful trails where nature seems to soften those imposing and massive walls and towers of manors centenarians.
The wise man's hand is here more than ever evident here, working in the fields, crafts, production of those wholesome foods that are served in the tables, cheeses and meats, pickled vegetables, honey and many other excellences of this land Piacenza.
And the tasks well distributed, women and men, which are a fundamental part of this ancient farming, they move between fields and stables, including the courts and the vineyards, in the middle of a nature that surprises, that enchants, which cheers.
This is the land of Piacenza and here, sitting in the beautiful outdoor terrace Azienda Paderna, all this appears in its utmost clarity, so that seems to be in it, as it was there all along, friend and star of this environment, of this great family which is the peasant land.
Farm Holiday Paderna is located in one of the loveliest corners of Piacenza, that little Luretta relaxing wedged between the Trebbia and Val Tidone, set in a landscape sweet and harmonious.
Here the beauty of nature are the perfect combination with the goodness of the kitchen, with the authenticity of the dishes, with the pleasure of the taste of hospitality features that make Azienda Paderna a Farm of Excellence of the province of Piacenza.
Within these walls, in these fields, it tells the age-old story of the family Bongiorni, started by his grandfather Arturo in the early '900. Ennio Bongiorni, with her sister Valeria and her granddaughter Alessandra, carry on this tradition, with a clear awareness of the value and the meaning it has a story like this, which focuses on the love for their land, for the family, for things good and healthy values that grandfather Arturo has been able to transfer, and that they found worthy sequel.
Here Azienda Agrituristica Paderna, sitting at a table in this beautiful cozy house, you can still feel that familiar taste, the pleasure of being together, meeting at a time that smells good flavors, but also friendship and serenity of.
Alessandra moves among the tables with the grace and kindness that is only the female, while Valeria is in the kitchen to put together those products that Ennio knows how to produce this lush land, for dishes that express in their goodness, maximum freshness and authenticity.
The Piacenza tradition is respected in its recipes and the choice between traditional dishes, tourist menu for groups and menu of game is able to fully meet the needs of guests.
A good lunch is not possible without a dessert, such as the excellent amaretto parfait, and a good digestive, to choose between Bargnolino, walnut liqueur, the lauric and other ...
Near Azienda Paderna to also extend the Company Venatoria Rezzanello (tel. 0523.976850 fax 0523.970184 closed from late January to early September) a great ricerva hunting run by Sergio with his daughter Romina, for pheasants, partridges and some woodcock. Welcome to Rezzanello, including the suggestions of a non-place, suspended between earth and sky ... good food!

Pasqua 2016 nel piacentino all'Agriturismo Paderna
Pasquetta 2016 nel piacentino all'Agriturismo Paderna

  • chiusura settimanale: sempre aperto tranne martedì; la sera su prenotazione
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Paderna di Rezzanello
  • Località: Rezzanello Gazzola Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523.976661 338.3426171
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