mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Podere Illica

just 2 km from Castell'Arquato

Agriturismo Podere Illica
A 2 km from Castell' Arquato, in San Lorenzo, lies Podere  Illica, near the complex of thermal Bacedasco, Salsomaggiore and Tabiano.
The Palace belonged to the family of Luigi Illica librettist of Puccini and Mascagni, a native of Castell'Arquato, where you can visit the Rocca Visconti and collegiate.
Podere Illica is now the heart of a farm characterized by a farm, crops, forests, vineyards and olive groves.
A large park and fruit trees surround the historic building dating back to the '600 and the beginning of' 900 was Luigi Illica.
Now is privately owned and is available for a pleasant stay in the elegant wings of the village, where the center is the main house, impressive and full of charm that belongs only to the historic buildings.
Around a beautiful green park with a small fountain to adorn a discreet corner of pure grace.
Dinners and lunches are organized setting up the structure and the outside area, also perfect for ceremonies.
The stay at Podere Illica is a moment of magic, of true peace, between history and environment, to close my eyes and fly through time ...

  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Canale, 5 loc. San Lorenzo
  • Località: Castell'Arquato
  • tel 39.0523.803965 +39.333.4422318
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