mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Places Alta Val Trebbia: Cerignale

hiking, walking, fresh air and relaxation

Places Alta Val Trebbia: Cerignale
Located in a pleasant valley of the mountains that flank the right bank of the Trebbia in a landscape of pastures, chestnut and beech forests, which binds its economy.
Cattle for milk and meat, as well as tasty chestnut mushrooms which, legions of fans researchers come from all over the province of Piacenza, from Lombardia and Genova.
In recent decades Cerignale has experienced a considerable development of the tourism residential summer, so equipping themselves to accommodate the busy holiday seasons.
The surrounding area lends itself to several routes: the Passo del Mercatello, to 1058 meters, in Brugnello, one of the most beautiful of the Val Trebbia with stone houses and the small church towering on a rock overlooking the river, in Santo Stefano d 'Aveto, already in Liguria, a tourist resort in summer and winter with ski lifts, accessible along a stretch of Aveto and then suddenly the Nure that crosses a landscape
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