mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

To visit: Rivergaro

Rivergaro and its territory offers numerous possibilities

To visit: Rivergaro
Rivergaro and its territory offers many opportunities for interesting and healthy excursions, both cultural, and religious and environmental.
Very beautiful is the parish church of Sant'Agata which stands in the square, right next to the castle Anguissola - Scotti, dating from the early nineteenth century and is a typical medieval setting.
Contains some precious jewelry such as the bust of Sant'Agata on the facade, dating back to the fifteenth century and the three paintings depicting the Holy and the pulpit, which comes from the church of Sant'Agostino in Piacenza.
Particularly interesting and popular is the path of the Madonnina, which leaves the resort Castagna, located about 1 km. from the historic center, just a few minutes right from the square of Sant'Agata.
This route leads through a fascinating journey characterized by the green of a beautiful vegetation and by Rio Rivergaro, to the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace.
From the point of view of landscape, the real jewel of the area is the famous Bagnolo, the road leading to Val Nure.
You take it along the highway 45, before arriving in the center of Rivergaro, on the left, following the signs for Ponte dell'Olio.
Along a strip of asphalt, including twists and turns, opens one of the most beautiful views of the province of Piacenza, fascinating landscapes; From here the view stretches across the valley, to the town of Piacenza, with places that are classic references for visitors and connoisseurs of these places, with dining places and several houses.
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