mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
  • » City and Province of Piacenza

City and Province of Piacenza

  • Visit Piacentino: Monticelli d'Ongina
    along the right bank of the River Po
    the visit is to admire the beautiful Rocca and the Basilica, built in the second half of 1400 by Msgr. Carlo Pallavicino, lord of the place and the Bishop of Lodi ...
  • History Piacenza: Monticelli
    below the monastery of Nonantola from 600 to the ninth century
    the lordship of Monticelli was held by the Visconti and the Sforza and the '400 by Rolando Pallavicino that with "the Magnificent" saw expand its borders from the Apennines mountains to the Po; Fin...
  • Visit Piacentino: Fiorenzuola d'Arda
    beautiful the Collegiate Church of San Fiorenzo
    It is located along the historic Via Emilia, also sung in many songs, and the crosses in all its extension, running down houses and buildings ...
  • History Piacenza: Fiorenzuola d'Arda
    it is mentioned in a deed dated March 31, 744
    Piacenza was the first city to promote the emergence of a "mutual aid societies among the workers" in order to promote assistance ...
  • Piacenza to see: the Municipal Theatre
    was baptized at first Teatro commutative
    That stands on the Palazzo Landi Stone disused, was promoted by a group of aristocrats Piacenza, to replace the one at the Citadel, destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve 1798 ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Alseno
    with the Cistercense Abbey of Chiaravalle of the Colomba
    has military origins as strategically located on the border between Parma and Piacenza has a castle founded in the late twelfth century by Siclero Landi and Savino Vicedomino ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Besenzone
    founded by Marquis Pallavicini Cortemaggiore
    its territory extends between the two banks and dell'Arda dell'Ongina and presents the villages of Castel d'Arda, Mercore and Bersano that ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Cortemaggiore
    the city pallavicina for excellence
    Cortemaggiore is art, history, culture, immersed in the tradition of hospitality that makes a Bassa unique territory, which opens ...
  • Visit Piacentino Castelvetro Piacentino
    a territory that borders the provinces of Cremona and Parma
    is the border of the province of Piacenza, traced by the river Po flowing and also defines the extremes of the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Villanova d'Arda
    houses the residence and museum of Giuseppe Verdi
    renowned for its rich land of cherry and apple trees that grow on either side of the river, wheat fields and poplar; has the resource ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Lugagnano Val d'Arda
    grows at an altitude of 229 meters.
    extends on the northern Apennines Piacentino, Chero from the coast between Chiavenna and Val d'Arda, descending from the ...
  • Piacenza to see: Sanctuary Santa Maria di Campagna
    only Marian shrine of Piacenza
    among the most compelling of the sixteenth century Italian, and the only Marian shrine in the city. Located in an area that tradition Local believes already occupied by a small chapel dedicated t...
  • History Piacenza: Lugagnano Val d'Arda
    with acts from the year 884
    Lugagnano binds its medieval events in Castell'Arquato and Valvassori and valvassini feudal rulers of the Guelphs and Ghibellines ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Vernasca
    holiday resort in Alta Val d'Arda
    extends to the northeast-southwest, reaching the border with the province of Parma and is made up of three parallel valleys ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Morfasso
    Provincial Park, Rocca dei Casali, San Michele ...
    interesting excursions in the surrounding area, including the Provincial Park, the summit of Mount Signs of 1070 meters, the Rocca dei Casali ...
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