mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
  • » City and Province of Piacenza

City and Province of Piacenza

  • Visit to Piozzano
    Val Luretta, less than the Val Tidone
    Hydrologically the municipal area is affected by the drainage basin of the Luretta stream, tributary of the Tidone; marginally, the limit Western, is affected by the stream Chiarone ....
  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 2
    second path
    With "Routes Piacentini" we are back in the green valley of Luretta, a stream that flows down from the slopes of Mount Serenda ...
  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 1
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano at the edge of Val Luretta, a small green patch of land ...
  • Visit to Carpaneto Piacentino
    capital of Chero and capital of the cup
    The country has a strong connotation of ancient fortress that gives the village a special charm. Nearby ...
  • Routes in Val Trebbia: Caledasco
    Visit to Caledasco
    This route has as a destination resort that is located on the outskirts of the city, where the low Trebbia intersects with Val Tidone ...
  • Routes in Val Trebbia - Bobbio
    Visit to Bobbio
    Bobbio is certainly one of the historic centers of tourist interest of Piacenza. Among the major monuments stands the Ponte Vecchio ...
  • Ziano Piacentino - Itineraries in Val Tidone
    with the Archaeological Museum of Valtidone
    ordered and manicured vineyards covering gently rolling hills in a fervent campaign of activity to be a reality, certainly economic ...
  • Castel San Giovanni
    Routes in Val Tidone - Castel San Giovanni
    Among the pearls of art history to visit this country in the first place keeps the Collegiate Church of St. John, dating from the fourteenth century ...
  • Vigoleno
    visit to the castle of Vigoleno
    one of the most picturesque walled town of Piacenza, which stands on the border of the Parma area. Welcomes a castle among the most beautiful of across the province, built in 1400 as a defensive f...
  • Farini d'Olmo
    visit Farini d'Olmo
    It is a common gathering places itself and fractions of particular environmental and landscape. Not excels for historic buildings and architecture, but from its territory a really nice...
  • Ferriere
    visit to Ferriere in Nure
    It is'the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of 180 sq km. In' High Nure and includes the eastern slope of the Val d'Aveto with the dam and hydroelectric power plant of Woods ...
  • Podenzano
    visit to Podenzano
    in recent decades, more because of its favorable location, Podenzano, suffers a real surge, thanks to a strong industrialization that has no equal in the whole territory of Piacenza ..
  • Ponte dell'Olio - Itineraries in the Nure (Part One)
    interesting stop in Val Nure
    This whole area was sparsely populated and its inhabitants were invested with the task of maintaining such so-called "pedancole", the footbridges over the river Nure ....
  • Pontedell'Olio - Itineraries in the Nure (second before)
    with Maria Grazia Dodici, municipal employee and excellent guide
    stage to the industrial complex of the late nineteenth century the furnaces Cementirossi, which is located right next to the Municipal Palace, then the old railway bridge and Villa San Bono ...
  • Pontenure
    visit to Pontenure in Val Nure
    a few kilometers rises Paderna, the smallest of villages but also the most interesting, dominated by a massive medieval building, typical castle of plain ...
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