mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Visita a Sarmato

  • Churches in Piacenza: the parish church of Sarmato
    dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
    The foundation of the church dates back to the eighth century. AD at the hands of Burnengo or Buringo, Lombard prince. The parish already existed ...
  • Castle Sarmato
    in the center of the country is impressive and well preserved
    Presumably a fortified village already existed in the year 1216, when the day of Pentecost met there militias Piacenza and ...
  • The sanctuary of Caravaggio in Sarmato
    of the eighteenth century is the oldest of the valley
    Land that typically Marian sarmatese! In his parish churches are the roots Lombard: Sarmato dedicated to St. Maria Assunta...
  • San Rocco patron of Sarmato
    history of the saint who scored markedly Christianity in Sarmato
    The history of San Rocco, his holiness, his experiences in Sarmato spread throughout Christendom by the pilgrims who were standing here ...
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