venerdì 18 ottobre 2024
  • » Val D'arda
  • » Visit Piacentino: Villanova d'Arda

Visit Piacentino: Villanova d'Arda

houses the residence and museum of Giuseppe Verdi

Visit Piacentino: Villanova d'Arda
Mentioned for the first time in a document Cremona 1264 relating to a dispute between Castellaro and Lanfranchaus de Vilanova was, before the eleventh century feud of Dovara, then Pallavicino and later of Adalberto Obertenghi, Marquis of Massa.
Came by inheritance to Oberto Pallavicini, was part of the manor of Busseto and, after 1479, the fief of Cortemaggiore.
The Dukes of Parma gave following Villanova in fief to Casoni di Sarzana. The manor house is the one called "the Court".

The coat of arms of 1814 appears a cherry bloom on the green lawn crossed by a blue band representing the Arda.
Renowned for its rich land of cherry and apple trees that grow on either side of the river, wheat fields and poplar; has the predominant resource of its economy in agriculture, but there are small industries and small businesses.
In its territory Soarza, rich in poplar trees and with a Gothic church and Cignano that holds prestigious frescoes including a Madonna and Child dated 1520, in his church built in 1400.
Particularly interesting is the village of Sant'Agata Verdi on the left bank dell'Ongina, residence of Giuseppe Verdi that now houses the Museum housed in the immersed itself in a magnificent park, flooded with visitors.
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