lunedì 3 febbraio 2025


  • starting from the farm La Fattoria
    in the municipality of Bettola, in the direction Ebbio, lies the Farm The Farm and it is from there that start the 3 itineraries, 2 to go on foot, a third motorized or for sports fans and trained, ...
  • from the farm Cà Sonino a fascinating journey to be made on 2Ruote
    it is one of the most interesting links that connect Val Nure, departing from Rigolo in the town of Bettola to reach Morfasso, through a route of rare beauty ...
  • Ebbio and towards the Passo del Cerro
    The territory of Bettola is among the largest in the province of Piacenza and is amongst the largest municipalities on the peninsula; let's find out in the company of Peter Mazzari, former commissi...
  • in Rigolo, direction Prato Barbieri
    also called the "door of Nure", as it is located at the point where the valley narrows, where the hills begin to replace the mountains, Bettola is among the largest centers of Piacenza ...
  • No. 213 of January 2004, updated 12.12.2009
    in Italy there are villages that no longer appear on the maps because there is no road never arrived. They are hidden in the folds of the mountains. Have endured for years the exodus of their inhab...
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