mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
  • » Val Nure
  • » Vigolzone
  • » An itinerary in the green of the vineyards of the Val Nure

An itinerary in the green of the vineyards of the Val Nure

with visit to Grazzano Visconti

An itinerary in the green of the vineyards of the Val Nure
The Farm The Tosa is best chance to explore the vineyards in this area, including the Val Nure and Trebbia, are the source of the excellent wine Piacenza.
The Tosa is a brand that boasts bottles that are the pride of the local production.
The company is located right in the middle of a beautiful expanse of vineyards, which is why we recommend the route that has, as a common denominator, the green of a nature that draws these valleys like real works of art.
The road that runs in the first section is in the midst of these crops and runs parallel to the inner and SS 45.
The entire ring route covers about 23 km asking just under 50 minutes if paths on board a beautiful motorcycle or car, while having a mountain bike committed about 1 hour and 40 minutes, while on foot takes about 4 ½ hours.
The first stage can be between Suzzano and Verano, for some photo shoot, and then continue in the direction Grazzano Visconti, where you stop to visit this quaint and charming village, perfect for quenching refreshment.
The return passes for Vigolzone, with a visit to the country where there is a parish church architecture very original.
Agriturismo La Tosa not to be missed, in addition to the flavors and scents of its cuisine, the view to the Wine Museum, a real gem of the company!
  • tel per info 0523.870727
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