lunedì 3 febbraio 2025
  • » Dishes of Tradition Piacentina

Dishes of Tradition Piacentina

The Piacenza is also synonymous with good cuisine. There are many local restaurants that welcome visitors of the weekend, in this area represented largely by motorcycle enthusiasts, along an ideal route that perfectly combines nature and food, art and history.

On the tables anolini in broth, pisarei and fasö, ravioli with butter and sage, tagliatelle with mushroom sauce, while passing to the second, the tradition of these valleys has a number of dishes of meat: beef stew , roast venison, wild boar stew, cooked salami.
In season you can find dishes with fresh mushrooms and truffles.

The professionalism of the restaurant and the simultaneous affirmation of local products, now recognized and appreciated throughout the national territory, adds value to the value, that of a unique nature and hospitality that of an excellent quality in its wines, cheeses and meats.

The latter represent the right complement to any meal eaten according to tradition; salami coarse, coppa and pancetta find here the ideal natural habitat for the best seasoning.

The meat, in turn, owe their quality to the clever craft of master butchers, conjugated to a mild climate from the right humidity, with the influence of a constant sea breeze Liguria.

Especially popular and widespread in restaurants and taverns in the area is the proposal from the afternoon snack; here meats and cheeses are combined to bortellina or fried cake, typical pancakes can be enjoyed hot, necessarily accompanied by a glass of Gutturnio or Ortrugo.

Also interesting is the break in the many wineries in the area that offer tourists the chance to taste and take home the products of their vineyards; it is now known that the quality of the wines of the Colli Piacentini, now present on the tables of the best Italian restaurants.
Not to be missed is the Vin Santo di Vigoleno, rarity of national oenology.

Even small dairies of the Apennines that are dedicated to the production of Grana Padano cheese, cottage cheese and various types of cheeses pleasant surprises, with a tasting of the freshest locally that can be purchased direttamente.Non must forget the potato Vezzolacca, counted among the local products; a product due to the natural inclination of the land as well as the favorable geographical position.
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  • Main Courses

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    Among the sweets piacentini find many apple pies, chestnut flour, plum, almond, potato, the turtlitt Lenten, the crunchy nuts, donuts ...
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  • Latte in Piedi
    Latte in Piedi
    Put 1/2 of the milk in a saucepan and add gradually 200 g of sugar, 100 g of flour, 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of butter .....
  • Coniglio alla Piacentina (Cunili ala Piasinteina)
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  • Coppa Arrosto
    Coppa Arrosto
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  • Piccola di cavallo (Picula ‘d cavall)
    Picula ‘d cavall
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  • Baccalà in umido
    Baccalà in umido
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  • Trippa alla Piacentina
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  • Stracotto di Asinina
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    Sauté in a clay dish a nice piece of butter with half sliced onion, a celery stalk .....
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  • Ciambella (Busslan)
    Place 400g of flour on a pastry board, put in the center 180 g butter cut into small pieces and 180 grams of sugar, then egg yolks 3 .....
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    is'required a rather dense polenta that is obtained by pouring the flour yellow ...
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    Bomba di Riso
    After a finely chopped onion, let it brown in a pan with 50 g butter, now ...
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