lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

First Course of Tradition Piacentina

Pisarei and fasö first plate of dumplings and boiled beans. The dumplings are made of flour and breadcrumbs, sometimes with an egg, beans can be sauce; Anolini soup of pasta stuffed with beef, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, nutmeg, are made in several variants: anolini Val d'Arda, the inside of which consists of grain, bread crumbs and nutmeg; marubini, other variant of anolini, widespread in the northeastern plains of Piacenza and Cremonese stuffed with braised beef, roast veal and pork, grain.
Bomba rice, rice and pigeon pie typical of the town of Bobbio. These are some of the first courses of imaginative and genuine Piacenza cuisine that combines the use of horse meat (horse donkey d) with vegetables and rice. This It is the result of a cuisine that is influenced regions with which borders, which allow you to have a varied and tasty culinary tradition.
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  • Tortelli di Zucca
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    cut the pumpkin into small pieces and collect them in a pan, add salt, cover and cook steam ...
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    is'required a rather dense polenta that is obtained by pouring the flour yellow ...
  • Bomba di Riso
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    After a finely chopped onion, let it brown in a pan with 50 g butter, now ...
  • Pisarei e faso
    Pisarei e faso
    Place 500 g of white flour in a fountain on a broad shelf and pour the water and 200 g of bread ...
  • Risotto Primogenita
    Risotto Primogenita
    Put the butter in a pan, pass the onion, carrot and celery, then add the various ...
  • Tortelli con la coda (turtei cun la cua)
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    After preparing the dough with 400 g of white flour, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and warm water ...
  • Zuppa di Pesci del Po
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    Prepare the sauce in a pan with the vegetables and a little oil, after a few minutes add the tomatoes ...
  • Panzerotti alla Piacentina
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    Mixed the dough, let it harden slightly in the refrigerator, then put it in a funnel of canvas or paper having an open end .....
  • Mezze Maniche Ripiene
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    Cut a piece of about two ounces from beef stew, pass it through the mincer and the wet breadcrumbs in the sauce of stewed ...
  • anolini
    It starts with the stew, proceeding to splinting of the lean, so-called "MUCC", with two / three cloves of garlic; sauté ...
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