giovedì 13 marzo 2025

Tortelli di Zucca

Tortelli di Zucca

Tortelli di Zucca
Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and collect them in a pan, add salt, cover and cook or steam in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minuti.
Ritirate, transferred the pumpkin in a bowl and reduce it to puree, add the amaretti-fine ground, the mustard, chopped, Grana Padano, little lemon zest, a pinch of nutmeg and one egg at a time to avoid too soften the mixture, salt and pepate.
Amalgamate everything well, cover the bowl and let stand the stuffing in the fridge 2 ore.Quando him withdrawn, the compound must be dry, otherwise add a little 'bread crumbs.
Make the dough: mix the ingredients listed and knead until mixture is smooth and elastic, pull a sheet and with the piping bag spread the filling on the long side of the dough well outdistancing the piles and moisten the dough all around.
Folded over the other half of the dough and seal the edges by pressing with your fingers the dough between a pile of stuffed and another.
So below. Cut the ravioli with a stencil notched and boil a few at a time, in plenty of salted water to a boil. Drain it with the paddle with holes and toss with melted butter and Grana Padano.
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