The new guide of Grass 2014
the Brotherhood of Grass, Piacenza, 2013

No doubt about it. Among foodies and good connoisseurs we understand. And then their utility ciceroni meilleure table of the play to the fullest.
There scarrozzano around the city and to the valleys to discover the culinary traditions of the province. It is not easy to keep up, but we can do it. The Grass us to discover an area rich in culture and history.
After the successful first edition, here is that the Brotherhood - social promotion association founded in 1999 for the enhancement and wine and conviviality - back in the library with the new 2014 edition of the atlas of food tourism Piacenza, printed by Gutenberg Editions Officine .
Turn the pages.
Read tastefully.
And trust piglets who are there to give their judgment, with a dignity not inferior to the stars.
There reported sixty local. From this year, as stated in the introduction, the Grass decided to recommend some restaurants in particular to the fact that hold the menu dishes Piacenza that are disappearing: the bomb rice stuffed with pigeon burtleina to buslan to Bobbio macaroni made with the knitting needle.
Compared with the past, there are outputs and new revenues.
But in this movement in-out, just the best food and wine guides, underlies a fabulous certainty: the pig "who, in Piacenza cuisine, resides permanently in appetizers, blends discreetly in the first (limited to short but intense cameos under the guise lard or bacon in some sauces) and then re-emerge, like an underground river, in seconds. ". The introduction, tasty as always, is signed by Nereo.