mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Raffaello. La Madonna Sistina

di Marco Carminati, Antonella Gigli e Stefano Zuffi, Torino, Allemandi, 2013

Raffaello. La Madonna Sistina
Sponsored by Bank of Piacenza, the book traces the story of the famous painting commissioned to Raphael by Pope Julius II between 1512 and 1513 for the wealthy monastery of San Sisto in Piacenza, exposed in 1514 on the high altar of the church on the occasion of the inauguration the new building designed by Alessio Tramello. Piacenza - remember him - he paid homage with an exhibition, organized at the Palazzo Farnese by the city of Piacenza and Ente Farnese, entitled "A Raphael for Piacenza," which has had a significant response from the public.
In this volume, the fine graphics and iconography, Stefano Zuffi outlines the portrait of the client Julius II, who made one of the last requests to favorite painter. The see the birth of the Sistine Madonna by Raphael's brush "must have been a consolation interior for the pope, who arrived at the threshold of seventy, bitter and almost physically bent by the failure of the projects of military conquests and expansion of the territory of Peter." Antonella Gigli carefully traces the story of the masterpiece in the comments and observations of some historians, from the manuscript of Pier Maria Bernardino Colombo Principles of Casa Farnese 1545-175, coeval with the sale of the painting, to the precious booklet monaco Benedictine Happy Sparrow 1593 Site praises and prerogatives of the revering monastery of San Sisto in Piacenza with the lives of 'Saints ch'ivi rest to more recent writings.
Marco Carminati Largo at great Raphael! The painting from Piacenza to Dresden retraces the events subsequent to 1752, when to deal with serious debts from the monastery, the monks alienated masterpiece of Raphael, who became part of the collections of Prince Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. And after "two hundred and forty years of quiet and a bit 'secluded stay in Piacenza, the Sistine Madonna is then brought to Dresden» - writes Stephen Zuffi in The most famous painting in the world - "the twilight scented wax and incense choir San Sisto switches to full light, among the glittering chandeliers, the reflections of the porcelain, the glory sound, the celebrity of one of the most ambitious Central European courts. "And then gradually here our other events reconstructed by the authors' triumphal arrival at the court of Dresden up to the events of the fifties, for two centuries the world has seen in the international cultural altarpiece by Raphael a landmark sentimental and poetic incomparable meaning. "And if in Europe the Madonna was seen for a long time with condescension, as a masterpiece of intangible cloaked divine aura, pragmatism US trade they spotted a very strong element of communication (famous have become angels).
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