mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Pecorara nella bufera della Resistenza

di Filippo Arcelloni edito da Pontegobbo, 2013

Pecorara nella bufera della Resistenza
The present work is the relationship-witness Don Filippo Arcelloni, pastor of Pecorara between 1937 and 1949.
It traces the set of events that, in the last months of 1943 and 25 April 1945, have covered the territory of the Municipality Pecorara, from the birth of the first partisan bands and their difficult initial relationship with the resident population, the consolidation in Val Tidone and Trebbia, under the command of Fausto Cossu, the movement of the "rebels", to Mussolini Republic of Salò, dramatic German round of winter 1944-'45, the resumption of partisan spring of '45
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