venerdì 18 ottobre 2024
  • » Illustrious Piacentini

Illustrious Piacentini

  • Contemporary famouse people

    Famous people Piacentini Contemporary

    Piacenza and its province boast a long list of celebrities, from history to oggi.Ricordiamo among many director Marco Bellocchio from Bobbio, the physicist Edoardo Amaldi (one of the "via Panisperna boys") of Carpaneto Piacentino as the historic Carla Longeri art, the current Chief of Army Italian Fabrizio Castagnetti Lugagnano Val d'Arda, the singer Nina Zilli of Gossolengo as the skater Ippolito Sanfratello (winner of the gold medal at the Winter Olympics turin 2006), footballers and Filippo Inzaghi Simone of St. Nicholas, the motorcycle racer Tarquinio Auditions Roveleto of Cadeo (Piacenza only to win a world motorcycling), actress Isabella Ferrari originally from Bridge Oil, the dancer Mia Molinari originally from Bridge Oil and economist Ettore Gotti Tedeschi was born in Pontefract. She was born in Nibbiano journalist Milena Gabanelli, the political Pierluigi Bersani.
  • Characters History

    Illustrious Piacentini in History

    Piacenza has given birth to many scholars who have established a national and international level in the field of culture, scientific research, historical studies, philosophical, sociological and economic. Many of these great personalities were formed within the College Alberoni, always cultural center and factory of wits, beginning with Luigi Mezzadri, the most authoritative Italian town of St. Vincent and expert in the history of spirituality; Father Giuseppe Perini, Thomist combative and traditionalist, director of Divus Thomas, philosophical-theological magazine spread in 35 countries of the world; and also father Gian Felice Rossi author of over a hundred studies on Cardinal Piacenza Alberoni and 23 monographs. Still in the College Alberoni have taken initial studies, and then come to the cardinal, Casaroli, secretary of the Vatican State and collaborator of John Paul II, Opilio Rossi, Silvio Oddi and Antonio Samore.
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  • Carla Longeri
    Carla Longeri was an art historian
    After completing high school at the Liceo Melchiorre Gioia of Piacenza, has a degree in Modern Literature at ...
  • Nina Zilli
    Nina Zilli, is a singer-songwriter
    He participated in the Sanremo Festival in 2010, winning three awards and gaining the podium in one evening, and represented ...
  • Edoardo Amaldi
    Edoardo Amaldi, was a physicist
    Son of the mathematician Hugh and Luisa Basini, married in 1933 Ginestra Giovene. Edward was part of the Boys via Panisperna ...
  • Marco Bellocchio
    Marco Bellocchio is a director and screenwriter.
    From an early age to the Salesian schools shows some interest in the world of cinema and its irreverence towards the canons clerical ...
  • Fiordaliso
    Marina Fiordaliso is a singer
    Daughter of art (his father is a musician), Marina starts very young to study piano and singing at the Conservatory "Giuseppe Nicolini" of Piacenza ....
  • Franco Bagutti
    Franco Bagutti is a musician
    Franco Bagutti is founder of the orchestra and the publishing house "Bagutti Edizioni Musicali" ...
  • Gianni Pettenati
    Gianni Pettenati is a singer
    Gianni Pettenati is an Italian singer and music critic. It is also the author of plays and ...
  • Barbara Chiappini
    Barbara Chiappini is a model
    Achieved the scientific maturity in high school Lorenzo Respighi in Piacenza, then studied violin for four years at the Conservatory of Piacenza ...
  • Francesco Alberoni
    Francesco Alberoni is a sociologist
    Experimental Cinema of Roma.Dopo having studied at the High School of Piacenza moved to Pavia, where he was a student of the College Cairoli ...
  • Pier Luigi Bersani
    Pier Luigi Bersani is a political
    President of the Emilia-Romagna region between 1993 and 1996, he was Minister of Industry and Commerce in governments ....
  • Milena Gabanelli
    Milena Gabanelli Jole is a journalist
    Work as freelance collaborating with RAI television programs inchiesta.She lived up to 19 years in Desio, Brianza, then moved to Bologna...
  • Isabella Ferrari
    Isabella Ferrari, is an actress
    Born in the province of Piacenza, spent his childhood in the village of family and Gropparello. In 1974 the family moved to Piacenza ..
  • Ippolito Sanfratello
    Ippolito Sanfratello is a former skater
    Graduated in Economics at the Catholic University of Piacenza in 1998, has achieved great successes in roller skating ...
  • Simone Inzaghi
    Simone Inzagh is a former football player
    Growing up in the youth of his hometown team, the Piacenza, 18 years was sent on loan to Serie C1 in Carpi ...
  • Filippo Inzaghi
    Filippo Inzaghi is a former football player
    He was world champion and vice-champion of Europe with the Italian national team in 2000 and in 2006, and the club level ...
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