mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Barbara Chiappini

Barbara Chiappini is a model

Barbara Chiappini
Barbara Chiappini (Piacenza, 2 November 1974) is a model, showgirl and Italian actress.
Achieved the scientific maturity in high school Lorenzo Respighi in Piacenza, then studied violin for four years at the Conservatory of Piacenza.
Early in his career was the star of several photo stories in magazines Launch and Grand Hotel.

In 1993 he participated in and won the competition for Miss World An Italian, which was used to select the candidate for the Italian international beauty contest Miss World 1993. In the final of Miss World, held in South Africa, then obtained the title of "Miss World photogenic ", the first title ever achieved by an Italian in the competition. In the same year he participated as an assistant at Buona Domenica.

In 1994 he participated in Studio Stage led by Raimondo Vianello and 1996 leads Cinema under the stars. In Naples in 1999 and 2000 led to the football program Number two with Giorgio Tosatti and Marino Bartoletti. In 2000 he also became part of the group of conductors Domenica In. In 2003 he participated in the first edition of the reality show The island's famous, and was eliminated in the third episode.
In 2013 and 'became a mother of small Swabian Lucia, named in memory of his mother, Lucia precisely, disappeared two years earlier.
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