mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Carla Longeri

Carla Longeri was an art historian

Carla Longeri (Carpaneto Piacentino, May 14, 1960 - Pavia, March 27, 2007) was an Italian art historian. After completing high school at the Liceo Melchiorre Gioia of Piacenza, has a degree in Modern Literature at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Florence, Mina Gregori discussing with a thesis on the artistic heritage of the Collegiate of Fiorenzuola d'Arda , the conclusions of which were incorporated in some articles.

He led campaigns filing the territory for the Superintendent to Historical, Artistic and Demoethnoanthropological of Parma and Piacenza and from 1992 to 2006 he collaborated with the "Strenna Piacentina" (the contribution appeared in the magazine in 2000, New documents for the decorations of the cathedral Piacenza in the Baroque period, reports unpublished notes of Camillo Procaccini, Ludovico Carracci and Lanfranco).

She is the author of writings mainly dedicated to art Piacenza between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, with specific attention to the sculpture - especially wood - and the production of silver.

Provided essays for the section devoted to the arts of the History of Piacenza: The sculpture in Piacenza between Mannerism and Baroque Sculpture in Piacenza from late Baroque to Neoclassicism and Argenti piacentini vintage Farnese and Bourbon.

Its text was published in Volume San Rocco in Piacenza, edited by the "Historical Bulletin Piacentino" in 2000 for the exhibition San Rocco in the art.

A pilgrim on the Via Francigena, with Massimo Pallastrelli and Angelo Carzaniga has published San Fiorenzo Fiorenzuola. The history and art. Church, community and territory over the centuries (Tip.Le.Co 2002).
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