giovedì 13 marzo 2025

Tortelli con la coda (turtei cun la cua)

turtei cun la cua

Tortelli con la coda (turtei cun la cua)
After preparing the dough with 400 g of white flour, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and warm water, cut into strips 7 or 8 cm and then a diamond pattern.
In the meantime you have boiled 300 g of spinach and, after draining, drained and finely chopped and pour into a large bowl along with 300 g of cottage cheese, 200g of grated parmesan cheese, 2 eggs, salt and a pinch of nutmeg .
Stir until the mixture is consistent.
Now take a lozenge of dough (about 8 cm), place it on the palm of his left hand and, starting from the outer, with the index finger and thumb of the right, taking a little 'of dough on the one hand and on the other, close the tortello braid.
Continue until exhaustion of lozenges and the filling and place the ravioli on a pastry board sprinkled with flour.
Boil them in salted water. Do not just come to the surface, drain well, toss with melted butter, grated parmesan and sage or, in the alternative, with mushroom sauce.
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