lunedì 3 febbraio 2025
  • » Piacenza
  • » Risotto con i codini di maiale (risott cun i cuein ad gogn)

Risotto con i codini di maiale (risott cun i cuein ad gogn)

risott cun i cuein ad gogn

Risotto con i codini di maiale (risott cun i cuein ad gogn)
Boil, scrape and clean the pig tails, then you leave to cool.
Will be set to cook slowly in salted water with onion, celery and carrot.
Meanwhile sauté in a pan a knob of butter, chopped onion, ham and garlic, join now pigtails half cooked, cut into logs.
You let it cook for a few minutes, adding some spurts of dry white wine, a pinch of salt, pepper and some chopped tomato.
When everything is tied joins a few tablespoons of broth, making sure that the sauce covers the pieces of pigtails and cook on low heat with the lid.
At this point you are brown in a pan butter and onion sliced thin, joins the rice is cooked and wetting it with the hot broth and sprayed repeatedly with dry white wine.
When ready capsizes on serving plate forming a base on which will arise pigtails and their sauce.
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