giovedì 13 marzo 2025

The Salumi Piacentini

Piacenza, like other Po town, belongs to the realm of culture of the pig; various artistic and literary are found throughout the territory of Piacenza.

It is perhaps a pendant bronze Roman times the oldest evidence of the deep roots of suinicultura in this territory; date back to the Middle Ages different depictions of the "sacred" ritual killing of the pig; in the late Middle Ages, the price of Carnes de Porco, both fresh and salt is calmed in a chapter of the Statutes of Piacenza; a century after the sausages from Piacenza had conquered the palate of neighbors Lombardi, who defined them stuff de Piaseinsa to distinguish them from those of other places, less valuable.

Centuries and centuries of practice and adaptation to the evolution of taste, the needs of consumers at the time as of today, have meant that the art of the butchers, in Piacenza, to specialize in some particular types of sausage; of these three have obtained the Protected Designation of Origin and Salame Piacentino, Piacenza Coppa and Pancetta Piacentina
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