giovedì 13 marzo 2025

Il Provolone Valpadana Dop

The Piacentino is the only province of Emilia Romagna where you can produce this cheese.

The Provolone seems to have origins in medieval times; his work has extended fi n from ancient times to several other locations in the peninsula.

The Provolone is a semi-hard cheese, cured, made from whole cow's milk with natural acidity from fermentation, a smooth crust except the creeks due to the passage of the ropes.

Despite being produced in modern dairy factories has not lost its connotation of artisanal cheese; In fact, its technology has no counterpart in any other cheese in the world.

This originality is the dual processing: the cheese itself and spinning, ie a treatment on a curd already made that determines the structure of the cheese.

The curing period can vary from a minimum of 30 days to a year.
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