lunedì 3 febbraio 2025
  • » Piacenza


  • remembered as a man proud and brave
    Well accepted by the subjects in his duchy began the construction of the Palazzo Farnese, on the will of his wife Margherita ...
  • Ranuccio succeeded in just 10 years
    Not leave good memories as raised taxes for the population to prohibitive levels ...
  • was welcomed triumphantly
    A domain, its particularly troubled, marked by an endless stream of human lives, but also characterized by a number of important works ..
  • Latte in Piedi
    Put 1/2 of the milk in a saucepan and add gradually 200 g of sugar, 100 g of flour, 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of butter .....
  • Cunili ala Piasinteina
    Wash very well the rabbit and remove bone fragments, cut into pieces and dry thoroughly using paper towels. Blanch .....
  • Coppa Arrosto
    Let hang for a few days the cup fresh rub with salt, pepper and spices, steccatela with garlic and rosemary and let it brown .
  • Picula ‘d cavall
    Saute an onion and two chopped carrots with olive oil, butter and pistà to grass (which you obtained by chopping knife on a cutting board bacon ...
  • Lumache
    One proceeds to the so-called "purging", which consists in positioning the slugs closed in a container of corrugated cardboard or tin, on a bed of bran ....
  • Baccalà in umido
    After removing the fins and tail cod soaking them for 24 hours often changing the water, then drain it and cut it into pieces ...
  • Trippa alla Piacentina
    Clean and wash several times trippa.Sbollentarla for a few minutes in a saucepan with the onion, celery, carrot, bay .....
  • Stracotto di Asinina
    Sauté in a clay dish a nice piece of butter with half sliced onion, a celery stalk .....
  • Sgonfietti
    Boil water with the butter and a pinch salt, add the flour, stir and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool always ...
  • Busslan
    Place 400g of flour on a pastry board, put in the center 180 g butter cut into small pieces and 180 grams of sugar, then egg yolks 3 .....
  • risott cun i cuein ad gogn
    The dish is of use in cold weather at the time of the killing of the pig. Typical dish from poor peasant ...
  • Tortelli di Farina di Castagne
    Boil the chestnuts in plenty of water with a pinch of salt and bay leaf for about 40 minutes, then peel ...
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