mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

In High Nure for 3 different paths

starting from the farm La Fattoria

In High Nure for 3 different paths
From La Fattoria are multiple paths that you can choose and also of various types, as it does on high ground from which to start hiking trails for mountain biking, car and, even better, for motorcycle enthusiasts.
For those who enjoy hiking with just comfortable boots, the ideal is a circular route that, in just over an hour, leading to the small town of Ebbio and which falls the Farm La Fattoria after covering nearly 5 km.
Another route along almost 4 km port instead, in about 50 minutes easy walk, the birthplace of Christopher Columbus returning along the same road, for a total of about an hour and a half and 8 km traveled.

On board a motorized vehicle or mountain bike, the third route that ring covers a distance of about 13 km.
The first stop is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, on the SP 39, and down to Bettola always through the same province.
Refreshments in the beautiful square and walk along the Nure. It starts to fall along the Farm La Fattoria, for a first stretch, the road along the river.
  • tel per info 340.1274272 - 347.2321016
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