martedì 11 marzo 2025

From valley to valley, castles between the rivers ...

from the Farmhouse Il Poggio Cardinal history and landscapes

From valley to valley, castles between the rivers ...
A journey of about 60 km jumping from one valley to another, from one river to another, from one castle to another!
We are in the low Trebbia, the gateway to one of the most beautiful tourist areas of Piacenza, but also an area that is concentrated historic buildings and landscapes of rare beauty.
From Agriturismo Poggio Cardinali travel along a ring route that will be of interest to the courses of the river Trebbia, flowing just a few hundred meters, and the Nure, crossing one of the most beautiful scenic roads of the province, the Bagnolo.
The first stage is the castle of Rivalta which is reached by crossing the bridge of Tuna, under which flows the Trebbia, at the end of the SP 28.
This deck ancient manor worth a stop for both the value and its perfect preservation, both for ' environment from which stands imperiously.
It continues to Travo along the more scenic route that runs along the course of the Trebbia, crossing the Golf Club of Croara, along a series of curves behind which open up, from time to time, views of a beautiful countryside and lush.
Travo, you can stop for a drink and to visit some beautiful historic emergencies that arise all near the central square.
It falls to the lower valley towards Rivergaro, resort very popular for the beautiful walk along the Trebbia and the wide Piazza Paolo around which there are numerous bars and restaurants, as well as some shops.
It starts to enjoy the broader views and suggestive that only here, on Bagnolo, you can admire.
It is a road that runs along with the serenity and pleasure to not miss a single glimpse, and which is the border between the towns of Rivergaro and Vigolzone and coming down after a wonderful half hour, in the municipality of Pontedell'Olio, just in the bridge that runs on Nure.
A brief stop here and then leave at a time of one of the most famous destinations of Piacentino: Grazzano Visconti, a village rebuilt at the beginning of '900 that evokes the splendor of the Middle Ages and is home to numerous representations able to give life to the visitor all the charm of that ancient time.
After the visit in this delightful setting you back Agriturismo Poggio Cardinale, through Niviano, along a short section of the SS 45.
Less than an hour and a half drive to a concentrated environment, history and culture, so ready to sedrsi at the table and enjoy the goodness of typical Piacenza Poggio Cardinale!

Roberto Rossi
  • tel per info +39 0523.958528 - 366.8781292
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