giovedì 13 marzo 2025

Baccalà in umido

Baccalà in umido

Baccalà in umido
After removing the fins and tail cod soaking them for 24 hours, changing the water often, then drain it and cut it into pieces large enough.
In a saucepan, put a piece of butter, two tablespoons of olive oil, half an onion, a clove of garlic, which later will be removed.

Let it cook until the onion is not showing colored, then add a tablespoon of tomato sauce, cod that have dried, remove the garlic and add a bit 'of water, then cover with a lid and simmer for about twenty minutes on low heat.

Meanwhile, peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces and fry.

The past twenty minutes, add a tablespoon of chopped parsley and potatoes; even a quarter of an hour of cooking and cod will be ready to be served with a side of polenta.
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