domenica 2 febbraio 2025
  • » Val Luretta
  • » to discover unspoilt corners and rich history

to discover unspoilt corners and rich history

from the farm to the Mulberry to the discovery of the strategic importance of the Val Luretta

to discover unspoilt corners and rich history
The route starts from the farm Il Gelso, brings the traveler to discover a landscape of the Val Luretta, characterized by fields almost everywhere cultivated and well cared for, and from an area of ??high hill overlooking the coppice.
Wherever there is a widespread presence of small rural villages and scattered houses, mostly stone, that characterize the landscape, from which it is appreciable the gently rolling hills with sweeping views of the plains, and when the visibility is good, even on the chain of Alps.
There remain several testimonies of the strategic importance that had the territory of this small valley also represented by the considerable evidence of religious life: every village has its church in which are stored the remains that are always pleasant surprises for scholars of the history of ' Art: Romanesque apses, hanging arches, doorways topped by elegant windows, wooden sculptures and valuable paintings, and still reflecting the strategic importance that had the val Luretta remain castles and fortified houses in the various fractions of Montevenano, Montebello, and many Montecanino other.
In recent years has taken on special importance the influx of tourists who are looking for green corners, untouched, full of history and that also offer natural and organic foods.
Our tour takes us to the nearby village of Montecanino, where you can visit the remains of the Castle of Valorosa.
The castle is located near the creek Lisone, between Val and Val Tidone Luretta, unfortunately in a very poor condition, in fact, the back of the older building is dilapidated.
A few kilometers from Montecanino we can admire the Antica Pieve di Verdeto, , a church dating back to the Romanesque-Gothic church whose frescoes, exceptional workmanship and quality are traced back to the school of Bibiena and are an example of decoration perspective really very rare.
The parish church dedicated to St. Thomas the Apostle, is one of the most ancient Christian Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio, in danger of ending up on the list of parishes at risk elimination, but fortunately was recovered and returned to the cult.
And to finish a stage is Piozzano.
Piozzano is a small town located in the Val Luretta, the municipal area lies on the medium and high hill in the area called Colli Piacentini and is characterized by a natural environment and a temperate climate without excessive changes.
A special feature of this small village is its important repertoire of music and dancing very ancient. The main tool of this area is the fife Apennine, which accompanied the accordion, driving dances and soul festivals.
And in the end deserved rest, in the oasis of peace and tranquility of the farm Il Gelso, where you can enjoy a dinner of local products as well as special courses and laborious that are the specialty of the house, such as tripe or frying pork.
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