sabato 8 marzo 2025

Tour of Fortalices of val Trebbia

route of the castles from the farm Cascina Bosco Gerolo

Tour of Fortalices of val Trebbia
Exit Cascina Bosco Gerolo, with all that it has got, may regret a little '... but we say that we are very close to visit this "Tour of the castles" that rise a few miles from the farm Cascina Bosco Gerolo.
The loop trail is spread is less than 30 km and can be covered, as well as in the car, too, and better, on 2Ruote, motorcycle, bicycle or Vespa.
If for cover with the motorized means the entire stretch are enough 45 minutes aboard a bike or mountain bike we have to think about putting in estimate about 2 hours of healthy pedaling.
The first stage is the castle of Statto, beyond the river Trebbia, along the beautiful and scenic SP 40.
Entirely built in local stone, is rectangular in plan and provided with four round towers, one of which with fine and broad loggia. Inside another tower houses the chapel, while the noble halls are frescoed with landscaped grounds and coffered ceilings.
The parish church of Sant'Antonio Abate is a few hundred meters, at the end of a tree lined, and always close, you place a small rural hamlet, with houses and barns that are the recent visit of this first stage.
A few miles to the stop more interesting route, as you come to the castle of Rivalta, a sumptuous stately home surrounded by beautiful park, one of the most valuable historical finds of the province of Piacenza.
The visit is therefore a must, even for a welcome respite in the shade of large trees that adorn the old manor.
The third and final stage does not have the prestige of the previous year, but for these buildings is the ancient history that tell to elevate the value and importance.
We Castle Larzano, after crossing the river Trebbia and exceeded the artery most frequented by tourists, the SS 45 which connects the city with the Ligurian Sea, through an extraordinary for the naturalness of its whole path.
Here in Larzano emerge two towers of the complex, extensively remodeled over the centuries, while near the church of S. Lorenzo, which dates back to the ninth century with attached hospitale, rebuilt in the recent '900.
From Larzano you fall to the back roads, those that line the fields and that tell the rural life of these places, past Suzzano to head towards the SS 45 where, near Niviano, turn right and return on the SP 28, also called "Agazzana".
Here we are, therefore, returned in Cascina Bosco Gerolo who will be happy to accommodate us with the natural warmth of home, including the flavors and aromas of typical Piacenza cuisine!
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