mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Azienda Agrituristica La Risorgiva

La Risorgiva is noted between the farm holidays

Azienda Agrituristica La Risorgiva
Farmhouse La Risorgiva is noted between the farm holidays the most qualified of the province, and therefore comes in law in the circuit of farmhouses of excellence of the province of Piacenza.
Located in a municipal area particularly suited to the quality of the food: Morfasso.
Farmhouse La Risorgiva is easily accessible along the main road from Carpaneto Piacentino door Velleia Romana, inevitable stop on a visit to the territory, and then follow the signs to San Michele where they are then reporting to the farm which is surrounded by thick vegetation, an oasis of peace and tranquility.
Excellent cuisine enhanced by friendly service and impeccable, the atmosphere of the family, together make the La Risorgiva an inevitable stop in the circuit of the finest dining Piacenza. The Risorgiva, organic farm, a Paradise in Nature!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: loc. Oddi
  • Località: Morfasso Val d'Arda
  • tel +39 0523.918338 - +39 334.2239439
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