mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Agriturismo Cascina Bosco Gerolo

at the foot of the hills of the Val Trebbia

Agriturismo Cascina Bosco Gerolo
Cascina Bosco Gerolo is a farm at the foot of the hills of the Val Trebbia combining tradition with modern agriculture of a friendly and open.
The company strictly includes agricultural fields and the stable: the first produce the raw material for animal feed, which in turn provide meat and milk, then worked in the dairy and processed into cheese.
The cheeses produced on the farm can be consumed in the farm where the kitchen is linked to the territory and tradition, as well as purchased at the store where you can also find the beef of their herd.
The recreational spaces dedicated to the guests, such as the playground, park with farm animals, summer pool, soccer field are surrounded by greenery and offer a wide view over the hills of the Val Trebbia.
Agriturismo Cascina Bosco Gerolo is a reference point for a broader clientele that appreciates the genuineness of local products and traditional cuisine from Piacenza, but also the pleasure of open spaces; for children is the joy of being able to live days in close contact with animals, to be able to run and have fun in the countryside.
Excellent choice for living rooms, thanks to the rooms adjacent to the structure, to combine the best flavors of good food with the quiet of the hills.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: loc. Gerolo
  • Località: Rivergaro Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523 951079 - 0523 952540
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