mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
  • » Lungo il Po
  • » Along the Po Monticelli and Isola Serafini

Along the Po Monticelli and Isola Serafini

From La Bassanine along the Po

Along the Po Monticelli and Isola Serafini
Monticelli is located in a large bend on the right bank of the Po, in the north-eastern province of Piacenza which is 23 km away and is known for the production of garlic.
At its center is the castle Pallavicino Casali (simply called the "Rock"), built in the fifteenth century by Rolando Pallavicino, which currently houses the Ethnographic Museum of the Po.
The Po in Piacenza flows through a series of parks where they survive and are preserved botanical species almost completely extinct, such as oak swamp.
Besides the natural beauty, the establishment of protected areas has contributed to the development, along the banks of the Po of sports and entertainment, restaurants, moorings for boats and hiking trails.
At this route can not miss a visit to the enchanting Island Serafini a site of Community, for the presence of extensive wetlands and sabbioni recalling numerous species of birds and migratory: terns, little terns, hawks, owls, peaks, bee-eaters.
It's'can also navigation of the Po with the motorboat Cicogna.
Passengers have the opportunity to take on their own bikes and cycling paths exist along the flood plain of the
Po and to spend the day in the country, facilities and parks.
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