mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
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  • » Along the Po, Caorso - San Nazzaro - Roncarolo

Along the Po, Caorso - San Nazzaro - Roncarolo

From the farm Boschi Celati to visit along the Po

Along the Po, Caorso - San Nazzaro - Roncarolo
From the farm Boschi Celati in a few minutes drive you can visit the towns of Caorso, San Nazzaro and Roncarolo.
Caorso (Piacenza Caurs in dialect) is definitely worth a visit as from June 2007 has been recognized by the Emilia-Romagna "Tourist City" for some artistic and environmental peculiarities of the territory as La Rocca Mandelli of the thirteenth century, the Oasis De Pinedo , the navigation service on the River Po and the ancient and deeply rooted culinary tradition.
Features that can be found even in the second half of our itinerary: San Nazzaro
Center typically coastal, it is already documented the existence in 376 AD
The country's history is linked to Piacenza and his diocese.
Over the centuries has been the domain of many noble families, including Confalonieri, the Wolves, the Landi, the Scotti, the Mandelli and Seraphim, who gave the name to the largest island of the Po.
The economy of San Nazzaro for many centuries has been linked to traditional trades of the river: fishermen, gravel diggers, ferrymen, boat builders; although today many of these activities have disappeared, replaced by craft, industrial and agricultural.
We recommend you visit the parish church of Saints Nazzaro and Celso.
The church was built in 1688 on the site originally a Romanesque temple.
Finally, if you happen to be here at the end of May, you can not miss the Festa del Pescatore which is held every year in the village of Roncarolo that will thrill you with local cuisine (fried fish, fried mixed seafood, salami and coppa from Piacenza and dishes local), dancing, entertainment and exhibitions in honor of the great river, the Po
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