lunedì 3 febbraio 2025
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Visiting the City of Piacenza

From Agriturismo Cà Longa in Piacenza

Visiting the City of Piacenza
Piazza Cavalli is the heart of the city of Piacenza, and from here the route to the discovery of the historic center of the city.
The square is named after the sculpture of the two bronze horses that carry as steeds Alessandro Farnese, great strategist and leader, and his son Ranuccio.
On the square is the Gothic Palace or Town Hall, built in the late thirteenth century, which still retains its medieval forms.
But is Palazzo Farnese with its great size designed by the architect Jacopo Barozzi called "Vignola" to hit the visitor.
Residence by massive forms now home to several museums including the Art Gallery with the splendid round of Botticelli and the Archaeological Museum which exhibits the famous "Etruscan liver", finding curious.
The visit continues with the Cathedral of medieval foundation, and then goes to the church of San Savino that it houses an extraordinary floor depicting the months and zodiac signs.
The Basilica of St. Anthony is dedicated to the patron saint of the city since it was founded in the fourth century.
Can not miss finally a visit to the Church of Santa Maria in campaign dating back to the sixteenth century and the Galleria Ricci-Oddi, Started by Collector Piacenza Giuseppe Ricci Oddi, today presents a collection of all relief the romantic period to contemporary.
There are works by Hayez, Renoir, Klimt, Bocchi, Boldini, Lega, Fattori, Morandi, Medardo Rosso and many others.
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