lunedģ 3 febbraio 2025

Agriturismo Cą Longa

excellence in two steps from the city !!!

Agriturismo Cà Longa
At the gates of the city, in the village of Montale, has blossomed a flower called Ca Longa ... and could only arise there, alongside the thousands of colorful plants Agricenter, where to greet a smiling giraffe, that welcomes flavors and scents of traditional Piacenza.
Filippo and Fabio, young entrepreneurs determined to make a mark in the history of the local cuisine, have recovered and transformed an old nineteenth century, a time for post horses, stage of the Via Francigena.
With good taste and wisdom of those who love their land and their history, have been able to give this house owned those forms and shades that give a room a distinct identity, its own soul.
This is Farmhouse Ca Longa, and is the good news of the Farms of Excellence of the Province of Piacenza, a circuit, now said that today has another interesting fact.
The beautiful dining rooms and lounges in red brick, the long wood and vaulted ceilings, are the perfect setting for dishes that are served, by the taste and authenticity that characterizes only the best places to eat.
Garden fresh ingredients, bread baked in a wood oven, meats and wines doc, accompany specialties that are rooted in the tradition of Piacenza, with a touch of personalization which can give the brand of home Longa.
Farmhouse Ca Longa is ideal for lunches and dinners in intimacy, for business meetings, as well as ceremonies thanks to large modular space and the beautiful and relaxing outdoor courtyard surrounded by greenery.
">Cą Longa, flavors and traditions of the countryside near the city!
And 'Reservations recommended.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Emilia Parmense, 224
  • Localitą: Piacenza cittą Area urbana piacentina
  • tel 0523.591777
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